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Not all drivers are aware of the fact that chip tuning has a positive effect on fuel consumption. Many still believe that tuning an engine only improves power and performance. Chip-tuning, on the other hand, allows you to reduce fuel consumption by up to 10%! Why, then, car manufacturers lower the power of the car’s propulsion unit and thus allow more exhaust fumes to enter the environment? MotoSpec Performance answers questions and dispels doubts related to chip tuning. Why is it worth increasing the car’s performance by chip-tuning? Many people believe that increasing the power and performance of an engine only applies to sports cars and those with large-capacity engines. On the other hand, the modification of the engine’s performance can be carried out in virtually any car. MotoSpec Performance carries out chip tuning on city cars, vans, sports cars and luxury cars.

Chip-tuning can increase engine power by up to 30%. An additional benefit is the increased torque. Thanks to the professional modification, the car runs smoother and is easier to accelerate. The increased dynamics of the car improves driving comfort and safety. Thanks to chip-tuning, you will overtake much faster. Another advantage of electronic modifications is the reduced fuel consumption. Cars that have new engine software installed can burn up to 10% less fuel. How does MotoSpec Performance increase engine performance? MotoSpec Performance employs the best engineers, mechanics and electronics. An experienced team is able to flawlessly select new software for a specific car model and a specific drive unit. Each car is carefully checked before modification.

The condition of the drive system and engine wear are assessed. All data is entered into a computer, and then the electro-mechanic selects a new engine map. The modification is uploaded to the vehicle’s computer through modern equipment equipped with advanced chip-tuning software. After completing the entire operation, the car is checked again. Mechanics control the increased power and torque. Finally, the customer can compare the performance of the engine before and after the modification. All data is presented on a clear graph.

Why do car manufacturers lower engine power?

Car manufacturers undercut engine power is a common practice in Europe. In the United States and Japan, the same cars have more power and lower fuel consumption. This is because the car fees in Europe are related to the power of the engine. The higher the performance of the engine, the higher the price of the car. European restrictions result only from the regulations imposed by the European Union, so chip-tuning is not harmful to the car.


Does electronic engine performance enhancement affect engine service life?

Modifying the engine by uploading new settings to the on-board computer is completely safe, as long as it is performed in a professional company. Chip-in of drive units by home-grown tuners can be extremely dangerous. A service performed by a workshop with an incompetent crew may end in a serious engine failure after driving several hundred kilometers. MotoSpec Performance approaches each customer and vehicle individually. The professional service ends with the confirmation of the modification. Extensive experience ensures that the driver will be able to enjoy the increased power for a long time. Professional modification of the engine does not reduce the life of the engine. In some cases, it may turn out that after tuning, the engine will last longer than other engines of the same type that have not been modified. All thanks to the increased flexibility of the engine.

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